FOSC Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers are FOSC! Your energy, enthusiasm & skills accomplish FOSC’s many goals.
Together, you have taken out hundreds of pounds of trash from the creek and surrounding parkland in the past year during the twice yearly Sweep the Creek events. You’ve removed hundreds of bags of invasive vines and other plants – saving trees and allowing native plants to come up and spring ephemerals to bloom. You’ve reported pollution to the FOSC Water WatchDog program right when it happens to limit the damage. Your efforts have a huge impact on Sligo Creek and Park.
If you want to volunteer at an event: look at the full calendar of events page for walks, talks and other chances to volunteer. More in-person events are planned for outdoors as weather permits.
To indicate your ongoing interest in an activity or to indicate other interests or expertise: please email the relevant committee’s chairperson to offer your help. There is something for everyone.
As you walk the creek paths and trails, you can collect and remove litter and recyclables. Bring a trash bag and gloves and make a difference to the Creek!
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities
Sweeping the Creek Photo © Julius Kassovic